

Dear Suze
Thank you for sending this to me. I would be very interested in attending the January workshop. Please let me know if there are still spaces.
Best wishes

On 23 September 2016 at 12:22, Suze Cruttwell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi there


I have been asked to circulate the following Cupp events to you, please either let me know or email [log in to unmask] to book on.




Invitation to Cupp Events:


A Rose by Any Other Name? Using Poetry as a Tool for Collaborative Research

Date: Monday 14th November, 12.30 - 1.30pm

Location: Room G4, City Centre Campus, University of Brighton, BN2 0JG

Helen Johnson explores the development of a new method, in which social scientists, artists and community partners work together as research partners.  The intention is to produce art-as-research, which is engaging, accessible, meaningful, and rooted in the interests of the communities it represents.

Helen began developing this method in Montreal this summer, with a group of young spoken word poets. Working together intensively for two months as co-researchers, they produced a series of autobiographical poems (autoethnographies,) focussing on issues related to discrimination. These pieces were grounded in three sites of expertise: social scientific theory and research; spoken word writing and performance; and co-researchers’ personal experiences. 

They distributed their poems through a chapbook, spoken word show and video materials. This enabled them to step outside the strictures of academia, reaching a broader audience than traditional research outputs allow. This talk considers both the spoken word pilot study and the broader method they developed. In the process it will showcase some of the poetry that was created, explore potential applications and extensions of the method, and consider how the method can be applied in practice.
Please click here for more information about the pilot study.

To book onto this event please email [log in to unmask]



Poetic Autoethnographies: Exploring the Potential of Collaborative Arts-based Research

Date: Friday 6 January 2017, 13.30-17.00pm

Location: M2 - Grand Parade Boardroom, University of Brighton


A free workshop aimed at poets, academics and community groups interested in exploring ways in which we can work together.

The timetable on the day will include:

·          Sharing the results of a collaborative research project using spoken word to illuminate experiences of discrimination


·          Discussion of the background, aims and methodology of arts-based research


·          Hands-on experience of arts-based research methods

·          Networking, and discussion of future possibilities for collaboration


Places are free and open to all, but must be reserved in advance.

 To book onto this event please email [log in to unmask]





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on behalf of the University of Brighton. For more information see:

Dr Louise Grisoni
Associate Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange

Faculty of Business


Latest Publications:

Special Topic of Organisational Disruption: An Editorial" Organizational Aesthetics.

‘Researching with Feeling’ 

Research and Development Series 4

Gender and Higher Education Leadership: Researching the Careers of Top Management Alumni

Oxford Brookes University

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