

'Jüdin und Moderne'
German-Jewish Women's Writing in the Early 20th Century and in Exile

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Venue: Room 243, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

German-Jewish writing of the early 20th century is highly diverse; it cannot be reduced to an homogeneous expression of the culture of a defined community. Writing between assimilation to and dissimilation from the hegemonial definitions of German culture, German-Jewish authors have given prominent expression to some of the most important discourses of modernity confirming, but also calling into question any majority views from their position on the cusp between insiders and outsiders. Among female German-Jewish writers of the time, only Else Lasker-Schüler has made it anywhere near the canon of German-language literature, something that this event will help to redress.


13.00   Registration /Coffee
13.25   Welcome
13.30   Anna-Dorothea Ludewig (Potsdam): The 'Degenerated Sex': Images of the (West European) Jewess in Zionist Discourses around 1900
14.10   Barbara Hahn (Nashville, TN): Dedications. Else Lasker-Schüler's Politics of Addressing
        Cathy Gelbin (Manchester): Woman, Internationalist, Jew: Alice Rühle-Gerstel (1894-1943) on the Stalinist Purges
        Robert Gillett (QMUL, London): No Woman, No Jew: Else Bernstein and her Reception
16.00   Tea
16.30   Florian Krobb (Maynooth): Rupture and Dissolution: Gertrud Kolmar's Prose Works and Modernity
        Andrea Hammel (Aberystwyth): Exile and Modernity: the Novels of Anna Gmeyner and Martina Wied
        Elizabeth Boa (Nottingham): 'Die Moderne' in Gabriele Tergit's Effingers
18.15   Book Launch / Reception
        Godela Weiss-Sussex (IMLR, London): Jüdin und Moderne. Literarisierungen der Lebenswelt deutsch-jüdischer Autorinnen in Berlin, 1900-1918 (de Gruyter, 2016)

Advance registration required by Friday, 14 October 2016. Registration fees: £10 (standard rate); £5 (Friends of Germanic Studies or Friends of Italian at the IMLR and students).
The registration form can be downloaded from<> > events, or contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
This event is organised under the auspices of the OWRI 'Translingual Communities' research project and supported by the Bithell Bequest Fund.

Institute of Modern Languages Research
University of London School of Advanced Study
Room 239, Senate House
Malet Street, GB- London WC1E 7HU
Telephone 0044 (0)20 7862 8966

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