From what I believe (at least it reads like) an ICO document [I can't currently see the title] :


On 15 Sep 2016, at 08:53, Hanley, Catherine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Hi all

Thanks to everyone to feedback so far.


The Commission is actually based in London, representing Nigerians living, working, studying etc. in the UK. I’m going to take that on face value and say that that means Principle 8 doesn’t apply because as far as I’m reasonably aware, the data I’m sending is to the UK. It’s entirely possibly they then process it in Nigeria but I’m going to look away on that point. If I do manage to obtain consent as well then that should tie that side of things up.


Just as an update, in case it saves anyone else time in future, I did a bit of digging yesterday and found that the Commission is on the London Diplomatic list (a list of representatives of Foreign States & Commonwealth Countries in London) and that anyone on that list is afforded certain privileges under the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964. I had been hopeful that that Act might provide some form of power of access to information but after reading it all (zzzzz) it doesn’t!


At the suggestion of one of the listers I’ve contacted the Foreign Commonwealth Office’s Nigerian team to pick their brain as to whether there are any pre-established protocols or legislation I should be aware of for dealing with foreign diplomats.  


I’ll update if I get any further.

Kind regards



Catherine Hanley, Information Compliance Officer

T: 01642 342563


























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