

 On Google Earth, at 31 deg, 50' 20" N, 36 deg, 53' 08" E, in northern Jordan, you can see (2003 shot), some kind of facility, maybe a water treatment works, in the desert. By 2016 this facility, and several small structures (houses?), have become submerged in a  shallow lake several kilometres long. You can still see the outline of the facility through the lake water (if that's what the new black area actually is, in 2016).

So is the Jordanian Desert shifting to a wetter regime, and is this welcome news?

Also, puzzled, on G/Earth the location is named as Zarqa - but in the map of the area, p.669, 'Geographical', Dec 1967, it's called Azraq - an acronym of Zarqa, with an 'intermittent lake' called Qael Azraq somewhat larger than the 2016 one, covering some 8 x 8 km.  

Maybe someone on CG has knowledge of what's going on there? And what the actual name of the location is?


Dr Hillary J. Shaw
 Director and Senior Research Consultant
Shaw Food Solutions
TF10 8QE