Heritage Interpretation Training Center

Interpretive Master Planning Courses and Resources



When I was teaching Interpretive Master Planning at Ohio State University, it was considered the "cap stone" course for our interpretive major.  Today folks still think there is only "one" course in Interpretive Master Planning.  But we have developed and offer 8 courses in interpretive planning . All of these courses are based on actual interpretive planning projects we have done over the years and reflect both "real world" and state-of-the-art interpretive planning techniques and strategies.  We teach what we do, and do what we teach.


All courses can be started anytime and completed at your own pace.  All courses include copies of my Interpretive Planning e-text books, support videos, a variety of handouts and sample completed interpretive plans to use as references for format and content.  Just click on the link for the course details.


As an e-LIVE course, you can work on actual interpretive planning projects as part of the course assignments and receive free planning consultation and coaching for your interpretive planning project.


Interpretive Master Planning - e-LIVE. 13 Units, 3 CEU Credits. $275.00 This is our basic overview interpretive planning course.




Interpretive Planning for Historic Homes and Gardens. 12 Units - 3 CEU credits $225.00 USD


Interpretive Planning for Botanical Gardens and Arboretums.
11 Units - 3 CEU credits, $250.00



Interpretive Planning for Historic Farms and Agricultural Sites, 13 Units - 4 CEU credits, $300.00


Advanced Interpretive Master Planning. 14 Units, 2.5 CEU Credits, $250.00 (Regional interpretive systems planning, planning for landscape museums, outreach programs and more.)


Interpretive Planning for Scenic Byways and Auto Tour Routes. 10 Units, 2 CEU Credits. $275.00



Conducting A Feasibility Analysis Before Developing New Interpretive Centers, Nature Centers and Small Museums. If you build it they may not come - or at least in the numbers needed! So how can you know for sure before you build it? Nine Units - 2 CEU Credits - $150.00



Developing and Managing Community Interpretive Plans and Programs.  
12 Units, 2 CEU Credits Course Tuition: $300.00




Resources for Interpretive Planners


The Heritage Interpretation Center for the Advancement of Excellence in Interpretive Planning.  Lots of resources and references for interpretive planners and staff members.





The Heritage Interpretation Resource Center- Lots of FREE articles, training handouts and more.



Interpretive Services Book Store (you can purchase many of our interpretive e-books here.




New Text Books (available through the bookstore).


- The Interpretive Trails Book (planning, developing and developing media for self-guiding interpretive trails).


- The Interpretive Trainers Handbook - how to teach interpretation to others.


- The Interpretive Writers Handbook - at the publishers, out by the end of the year. This will be the new text book for our interpretive writing course.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Helping to move the interpretive profession intoa world of new possibilities.


John Veverka

Director, HITC

Sr. Instructor, Kansas State University - Global Campus (Interpretive Planning).

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