

My colleague Barney Warf ( is Editor of The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet and he is seeking someone to write 6,000 words for the entry “Internet Surveillance.” 


If you or a qualified, advanced graduate student would like to write this entry, please contact Professor Warf directly at [log in to unmask]





William G. Staples

Paul and Helen Roofe Professor of Sociology

Chair, Department of Sociology

Associate Editor, Surveillance & Society

Director, Surveillance Studies Research Center

Institute for Policy & Social Research

The University of Kansas

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Word Count

Due Date

Internet Surveillance


Saturday, October 01, 2016

Project Description:

The Internet needs no introduction, and its significance today can hardly be exaggerated.  Today, more people are more connected technologically to one another than at any other time in human existence.  For a large share of the world’s people, the Internet, text messaging, and various other forms of digital social media such as Facebook have become thoroughly woven into the routines and rhythms of daily life.  The Internet has transformed how we seek information, communicate, entertain ourselves, find partners, and, increasingly, it shapes our notions of identity and community.  The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet addresses the many related topics pertaining to cyberspace, email, the World Wide Web, and social media.  Entries will range from popular topics such as Alibaba and YouTube to important current controversies such as Net neutrality and cyberterrorism.  The goal of the encyclopedia is to provide the most comprehensive collection of authoritative entries on the Internet available, written in a style accessible to academic and non-academic audiences alike.








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