

Dear SPMers,

We performed an experiment on readers and pre-readers with speech and 
print conditions. On second level analysis we computed null conjunction 
for the 2 contrast in each group (one sample t-test) which produced 
significant activation in readers while not in pre-readers. However, 
when the paper was sent to review one of the reviewers wanted us “to 
compute the conjunction of print and speech on the first level and put 
these contrasts into a 2-sample t-test on the second-level”.

However we came across some difficulties. If we save thresholded SPM map 
from each subject when performing null conjunction in SPM contrast 
manager and feed these maps to 2^nd level the model cannot be estimated 
and there is an error saying “there are no inmask voxels” (even though 
we used very lenient p<0.05 uncorrected threshold for the 1st level 
conjunction). Is there a better way of doing multisubject conjunction?

Thank you in advance,


Marek Wypych PhD
Laboratory of Brain Imaging (LOBI)
Neurobiology Center
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Pasteur 3, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48 22 5892 550