Heritage Interpretation Training Center

Late summer/autumn course favorites.



With the end of summer fact approaching, here are some of our most popular courses to help you prepare for all those school groups and for other interpretive projects.  All course are college level.  You can start any time and complete the courses at your own pace.  All courses are e-LIVE too, meaning you communicate directly with the course instructor.  Just click on the link to learn more about each course and the course content.


Introduction to Heritage Interpretation Course. 14 Units - 2 CEU credits. $150.00 (A great course for new interpretive staff or volunteers that have had no formal academic training in interpretation - theory, planning and program delivery).



Planning/Designing Interpretive Panels e-LIVE Course - 10 Units awarding 1.5 CEU Credits $125.00  (Do you know why interpretive panels need to have only 100 words of text or less? - we can teach you why that's true.)   http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpretive_panels_course.html


Interpretive Writing e-LIVE Course - 8 Units and 2 CEU Credits $200.00

(Developing text for exhibits, panels and scripts that are actually interpretive - provoke, relate and reveal in under 100 words.)  Our newest text book - "The Interpretive Writers Guide Book" should be out by the end of the year. :)



Training for Interpretive Trainers e-LIVE Course - 11 Units and 2 CEU Credits. $200.00 (The art and techniques of teaching interpretation to others.  Includes an e-copy of our new "The Interpretive Trainers Handbook".)


A supervisors guide to Critiquing and Coaching Your Interpretive Staff, Eleven Units, 1.6 CEU Credits. $175.00



Interpretive tour planning and delivery techniques for professional/commercial tour guides.
11 Units, 2 CEU Credits - $200.00 Tuition



Planning and Managing Interpretive Outreach Programs
(Taking your interpretive services and programs "on the road".)
12 Units - 2 CEU Credits ($150.00)


You can check out all 33 of our interpretive courses here:




If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me.



John Veverka

Director, HITC

Certified Interpretive Trainer

Sr. Instructor, Kansas State University - Global Campus

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