

Dear Sjors,

I'd like to ask whether you would recommend to iteratively subtract
unrelated densities ( as in "multi-body refinement") i.e. after 3D refine
run on a protein domain of interest. As the reconstruction should improve,
subtraction will become more precise. Another thing however is that
probably subtraction should be done always from original particles in case
that angles were not very good at the beginning and some signal was
subtracted as well (e.g. for overlapping domain views)? I think this was
planned for future Relion versions at some point but I don't have much
info. Could you possibly comment on that?

Another thing is what volume to use for subtraction. In the original
gamma-secretase paper from Elife, 2015 you created a mask around full
complex and then subtracted the "good domain", producing a masked volume
that includes only "bad" domains but not the noise around the full complex
(!). Then this volume was used for reprojecting and subtraction from the
particles. This way you removed only "bad domains" but the noise stayed in
the particles. I understand that the noise is important for Relion to
properly estimate sigma.

I was thinking whether this is a recommended way or it is better to also
subtract the noise from the original particles: i.e. create an
unmasked/unsharpened/unfiltered 3d volume using relion_reconstruct with
original particles and then create a mask that includes not only "not
interesting" domains but also noise around the full protein complex; then
apply this mask to the reconstructed volume and reproject it to get the
projections for subtraction.

What do you think about it?

Best regards,

Grigory Sharov, Ph.D.
Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology
Integrated Structural Biology Department (CBI)
1, rue Laurent Fries
67404 Illkirch, France
tel. 03 69 48 51 00
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