He died a year and a half ago, Peter.


(Interesting, too, that in addition to being the most devoted scholar and bibliographer of Charles Olson, he was also a leading expert on Dylan Thomas (thinking of the recent long thread revolving around Thomas here).

>>> Peter Riley <[log in to unmask]> 08/24/16 10:19 AM >>>
Is Ralph Maude all right? He must have a load of years by now.


On 24 Aug 2016, at 16:07, Kent Johnson wrote:

Newly up:

Dispatch #26 – ideological baggage and the poetics of political being:


Gnomic communiques to Dispatches from Gerrit Lansing and Don Byrd:


And more strange poems from the lost hollows of Tennessee by Robert LeGaillard:


Forthcoming next week: Unseen letters of the New American Poetry from the lost-treasure archives of Ralph Maud, plus rushes from Henry Ferrini's documentary in progress on the great Lester Young (among a mountain of riches on September 1).

Dispatches from the Poetry Wars: The link you probably don't want to share on your social media, if you care about your Poetry Career.