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World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2016)
Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter
November 14-16, 2016
Venue: Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel
London, United Kingdom
The WorldCIS-2016 encourages the submission of poster or demo proposals.
All the accepted posters and demos will be included in the conference proceedings.

Important Dates:

* Poster/Demo Proposal Submission: July 31, 2016
* Notification of Poster/Demo Acceptance: August 15, 2016          
The topics in WorldCIS-2016 include but are not confined
to the following areas:
*Internet Security
*Security, trust and privacy
*Self-organizing networks
*Sensor nets and embedded systems
*Service overlays
*Switches and switching
*Topology characterization and inference
*Traffic measurement and analysis
*Traffic engineering and control
*Trust and Data Security
*Virtual and overlay networks
*Web services and performance
*Wireless mesh networks and protocols
*Ad hoc mobile networks Security
*Addressing and location management
*Broadband access technologies
*Blended Internet Security Methods
*Boundary Issues of Internet Security
*Capacity planning
*Cellular and broadband wireless nets
*Congestion control
*Content distribution
*Cross layer design and optimization
*Cyber-physical computing/networking
*Geographic information systems
*Privacy Protection and Forensic in Ubi-com
*Quality of Service Issues
*Secured Database Systems
*Security in Data Mining
*Security and Access Control
*Semantic Web and Ontology
*Data management for U-commerce
*Software Architectures
*Defence Systems
*Delay/disruption tolerant networks
*End Users
*Enabling technologies for the Internet
*Implementation and experimental testbeds
*Future Internet Design and Applications
*Middleware support for networking
*Mobility models and systems
*Multicast and anycast
*Multimedia protocols and networking
*Network applications and services
*Network architectures Network control
*Network management
*Network simulation and emulation
*Novel network architectures
*Network and Protocol Architectures
*Peer-to-peer communications
*Performance evaluation
*Power control and management
*Pricing and billing
*Protocols and Standards
*Resource allocation and management
*Optical networks
*Routing protocols
*Scheduling and buffer management
*Virtual Reality
You can email your poster's proposal to [log in to unmask] and demo's proposal to [log in to unmask]

For more details, please contact [log in to unmask] or visit http://www.worldcis.org/