Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to submit articles to CITAR Journal special issue “Narrative and Audiovisual Creation”.

CITAR Journal is a blind peer-reviewed open access journal, accepted to indexing by Scopus and Web of Science and it covers a wide range of topics devoted to the study and practice of Artistic work approached through Science and Technology. This special issue is dedicated to the narrative among audiovisual fields such as cinema, cinematic art, videogames, animation, audiovisual advertising, interactive installations, location games and other expressive uses of the moving image.


Aims and Scope:

In the last decades, narratives, as symbolic tools for keeping, fixing and sharing ideas and experiences, have undergone deep transformations. The diversity of narrative supports, the technological tools being employed, and even the deep changes affecting the late modern societies have caused transformations in the classical and linear narrative paradigm.

Not only in cinema, but also in TV, videogames and other media, we are witnessing an intensive use of increasingly complex narratives, based on hypermediatic, rhizomatic, modular, branching and fragmented narratives, and its constant presence in the public and private space, including the pervasiveness of transmedia and interactive proposals.

In this special edition of CITAR Journal, we aim to study the audiovisual narrative - specially experimental and nonclassical narratives - in close dialogue with creations with an audiovisual nature.


Possible Topics:



Authors should send the papers untill 31 December 2016, to [log in to unmask]. For more details please see


All the best,

Maria Guilhermina Castro

Daniel Ribas

Carlos Sena Caires 

Jorge Palinhos

(Editors of CITAR Journal Special Issue "Narrative and Audiovisual Creation")



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