

Dear Ox Users,

I am studying threes.c in dev/samples/threes to test how to call C in Ox.

My notebook is 64 bit. To check compilation I used TDM-GCC-64 and at the Windows prompt:

gcc -Wall -O2 -m64 -c -IC:/OxMEtrics7/ox/dev threes.c

gcc -shared -o threes.dll threes.o C:/OxMEtrics7/ox/dev/lib64/liboxwin.a threes.def

which successfuly produced threes.o and threes.dll 

If I run threes.ox with the threes.dll of dev/samples/threes, ie,  
-- extern "C:/OxMetrics7/ox/dev/samples/threes/threes,FnThrees" Threes(const r, const c); --
it works.

But if I run with the trees.dll I've made, I've got the following error message:

Ox Console version 7.10 (Windows/U) (C) J.A. Doornik, 1994-2014
This version may be used for academic research and teaching only
Link error: 'threes' cannot load dll
Link error: 'Threes' undefined function
Ox reports errors: exit code= 1!!

Does anyone have any suggestion or experience with this issue?
Thanks a lot!