




 Library champions for Disability Is a

new grassroots community of practice form for all  information professionals which was


 launched in November 2015 in

affiliation with ALISS


 We aim to offer librarians,

information professionals from all sectors an informal place  to  contact, meet and exchange and  exchange ideas. Disability is defined broadly to  include  neurodiversity conditions, mental  health issues, physical or intellectual impairment.


believe that library users should not

be ‘disabled’ by technical, environmental or  social  conditions in libraries and urge all  those who support this to join us to improve access  for  all.



Here are the minutes and slides from the meeting at Kings College . The slides cover services at Kings College and the contact person service at SOAS


We are actually really heartened at the level of support as I never expected it would get this much response and I am hoping it  will continue and develop . Here are the slides and minutes so you have an idea of what is going on. I am hoping to add slides from other speakers but will add these when I can

In addition we have our monthly bibliography of articles.

and are aiming to publish regular articles in ALISS quarterly on the topic




Best wishes


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   if you need any further help do let me know


  best wishes

Heather Dawson

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