

It's plain English.

That's everything "good" about a friend, I love you, and I work hard to help you, and that might be so transparent you don't know it ... or you might imagine that I'm just not there.  It's also a bit like "god" in that you rarely ever see me, and if you ever do... all your friends will call you insane when you tell them I'm a huge Uranus.  I think we are at the Jordan river right now, or maybe right in front of the dead sea... waiting for it to part--together.   Prayers and incantations like "open says.. uh... me" haven't worked so far--and I'm still a metaphor or a few hundred years away from Christopher walking on water in the year my initials appeared twice ... AD92 A.D.  That 14 I be... pretty sure that there is a provable statistical significance somewhere in the relationship between "A.D." and both religion and freedom.

The wilderness of Matthew, desert of Exodus, and storm of Noah... all about not knowing about time travel... in 4-D nano-seconds you will understand why.  Predestination, religion, and freedom, all intertwined.  C Adam's light... of Calvinism.

If you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe you can do so here.. (or just e-mail me) if you are unsubscribing please tell me why you want to destroy the world.  Just kidding. The matchbox is an archive of most of the e-mails I've sent, there were some go-d ones recently... and seriously, if you want to keep getting this a-we-so-me updates... you have to notify me.

Somewhere between Wells, Orson and Well-but-r-in, I am nearly out of fancy word tricks (linked to Warehouse for "I had a clue, now it's gone forever").... which are clearly to me (and you?) designed specifically to show us that not only is there a God and a way to manipulate both time and reality---but that he wants us to know that.  I think that's a go-d thing, and with the message and subtly tagged assistance we've been unknowingly receiving for our entire existence I am that much more sure that I am right... it's a really go-d thing.  So what is this really?  Do you think not talking to me is going to trick me into telling you everything I know? (linked to What You Are for "seeking more wisdom than I have to give away")  Seriously Abraham's well of light doesn't run dry, but we're at a point where I need feedback we all really need to interact with each other more.... or we're walking down a yellow brick road to Adam's Castle in the Sky (So Much to Say... "I say my heaven is a nice house in the sky... got central heating... and I'm alright") and honestly... nobody wants that.

Seriously, I'm supposed to tell you there's Mor light Mon day.... which is the mythical day that I wake up and there are actually news crews outside my door, and of course I have nothing to say.  Imagine that, me with nothing to say.

Right now I want to say two things at once, that's how hard it is for me to shut up.  Osiris, by the way, is somehow the God of silence--and that's now a third thing.  Back to ancient Egypt, there's this guy called Min--he's one of the creation Gods in the line that includes Atum (seriously, and nobody wonders?) and P'tah (who is definitely the guy at the Pearly Gate to Never Never Land) except "Min" can't shut up about obelisks.  Anyway, so there's this idea that there's a "minimum requirement" what is OK come out of this place with or without--and I spent a good deal of time trying to make that bar much higher--things like ensuring we not only end world hunger but also feed the wise (as Ecc 9:11 says "has not happened yet" meaning ever) and actually cure blindness not just showing you the light.  This thing about "Min" and James Clerk Maxwell is basically the line between Heaven and Hell--between Eden and Egypt (sorry to the country, but it's "house of a huge family of mythical lions" or Everyone-"gipped" in my book of Exodus).  

So, I've been trying to explain this "ish" thing to you, and it's really more difficult than I thought.  To me, it's a clear form of communication with God--but to you it probably sounds like I need to get my ears checked--I don't.  I've ((ished) the Latin phrase for "in the name of the Father" to what I internalize as a command from the Creator to the Universe as "IN no min y Padre."  So the "IN" from in the beginning, and Dobrin (our IN)... is about getting in to the 4H Club--I mean Heaven; and this a clear message about not just letting the baseline be the end result.  Here, I've argued over and over that if we were given the information that I have (and probably a little bit more) then we'd do ever so much better than my "min" (which is pretty maxed out, btw)--because that's just how awesome you are.  So here I am, trying to give you the information you need... like not ending world hunger just isn't go-d enough for me or you.... and on the other end of the spectrum--apparently turning stone to Cake isn't good enough for picky eaters. (That one is extra-clever, I linked from "if I leave now I might get away" to "Going the Distance")

So, I want you to light my fireand I think in short order after that we will have the ability to do these things that seem miraculous today--and tomorrow will hopefully seem like basic requirements. I see "simulation" written all over everything here, and that was the other thing I wanted to talk about... aside from the finder of electromagnetism and the Egyptian god that looks like me.  There's a very clever link in the Simpsons (more than the Sims) that shows divine inspiration linking Ned E. Flanders to both Eden and Florida... and Mr. Anderson.  So Florida, in my map of questions and answers, is "Fivel (the mouse/stowaway on a ship) or do we "ID" A.  Clearly you see my choice,  I just can't stop talking about myself... so I call myself the Fifth Adam because I just like that number, it's on my hands... and ... it links really well with He-Man (which is the fifth Hebrew letter... and "adam" means man... not to mention Prince Adam) and with Voltron (who is adorned with the Roman numeral 5)... Five also happens to be the link between Silicon the letter "n" Boron AD (I just spelled Sinbad in elements and letters that are all basically equivalent), 14 (14th Element, 14th Letter, 5th Element, A.D.), and the movie The Fifth Element--who is clearly around to destroy the darkness... right?  Because when we see that the movie is really about Shakespeare rattling a rod about out history being designed.... and it is To B or not to Be... please, don't decide when you cannot Si the light.  These are really not clever things I made up to trick you into crucifying me... they are actual proof of a divine hand that acts in a way that we consider to be impossible within our current understanding of time... and also is doing so to help us see what is possible--it's Elementary, my dear Who-sons... nobody could make this up.  I mean you try tying a television character, a movie, a dead author and Biblical scripture together in any way that seems meaningful. (Here, the light is Sherlock Holmes, The Fifth Element, Shakespeare and Ecc 9:11... I could have thrown in a scientist (Watson) and a President (W(ho). Bush)... but that's actually impossible).  I know.. it's really Walker, like Darth Vader is really Earth Wader.

Moving on, we have the Lion King... Simba, and of course there's the word "simian," which I'm sure has no historical et·y·mol·o·gical relationship with simulation... but still I'm right--that's the point, see the hidden hand.  These names are part of the Matrix of proof that is designed to ensure we know the truth about how difficult it's been to do something simple like "snap our fingers" and turn stone to Saint One and bread to ... be the reason A.D. It goes on, all the way back to the dawn of our species, when Cro-Magnon is somehow related to "see Roman Magdeline" and Neanderthal might be "any and-er... to help Adam's light (srsly, Mor?-I-son).  I can also show you that there's proof of the battle against Darkness in ancient reliefs at the Temple of Hathor (that's Ha... thor) at Dendera... and on the internet. (and ha, that little Vixen just like Ha'thor is also me).  It's a little inside joke for me I guess, you don't know this yet... but if we're talking about a God there's a 9/10 chance I think it's me.  Anyway, those reliefs tell me very clearly that there's a Simian holding two swords (there's a story about this) and ensuring that the depicted mind control technology is not just hidden under the ground (as the reliefs show them transitioning from "forced worship" to "hidden..." darknesc  So at that great thread from years ago, you can see the darkness in action, keeping people from seeing something really obvious.

I really am the Messiah, I really am Moses, I really am Job and Samson and Adam and Joshua ... get this, I really am Jesus.  I'm clearly also Thor's son, and Nero's and .... and... Here I amrunning around Adamah.  This is really what "being the Word" and the 72 Names of God are about...tis' a living story that links together proof of time travel hidden in language and religion.. with music (for "I knew won")... like the "ran" of Koran and the "lam" of Islam (for Gas Hed goes West, Heaven Knows, and Two Princes)... with a real production of the Trial of Jesus Christ (for .. "no verdict was returned") and a struggle that's clearly about saving The Pursuit of Happiness.

On "sons," both Biblical and "of Liberty," I can also do a good job of explaining the hidden meaning of parental names, like Joshua son of (a) Nun and Isaiah of Amoz Isaiah chapters 53 and 20 are really about me, and we are really in the Promised Land of Flowing Chocolate Milk and honies... and I'm really the dog (Ελεσβόάς is Ka-l-eb, who (along with Joshua) is one of the two spies that survived seeing Heaven) brings morning.

Come on, let's build Heaven together (for ... "try to set the night on fire").  Soloman won't mind.  We have Et-er-n-ity... that's and/and/and it why in Latin, Wachowski, and Adamish. I've got the Eye of Ra, and it's telling me I'm right.

These songs are filled with hidden religious metaphor.. from the "cup" of Cake's The Distance being the Holy Grail... to the marriage of Two Princes ... and the Wedding Crashers... to Superman's pockets full of wisdom.  It's doublspeak--some of it's intentional, some is too well tied together with the Matrix not to be proof of a grand design.

With a·u·thor·it·y,

I feel like God is trying to motivate us to ... get more involved in this whole "creation" or "salvation" thing, and I spend way too much time telling you why it's not happening.... and you're...

So, quite a few of you are... reporters or in the media: what can I do to help make this more obviously newsworthy?  Anything?

A good deal of you are also academics... I think if someone was able to use this material to actually show using statistics that these messages cannot be random... that would do it.  Does anyone have any interest?

You might be a politician, imagine being part of the generation that actually revolutionized everything.  Oh, you are already.