

         Are you using FSL version 5.0.9? This was an issue that should be fixed in 5.0.9 onwards.

Kind Regards
> On 19 Jul 2016, at 15:53, Luetzkendorf, Ralf <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Ubuntu (Latest Version) and FSL 5.
> A year agoflirt worked fine and it dows now, but for some calculations I need the matrix.
> Like I said, it worked fine a year ago. The only thing I maybe changed are some Ubuntu updates.
> The Matrix now looks like this:
> 0x1.ffffeap-1  -0x1.6abe1fbae8c3p-11  0x1.aa781d431b15cp-18  0x1.48b889e6c66e5p-4
> 0x1.2650ccp-10  0x1.ffcff8dfc1ffp-1  -0x1.03396272cdcep-9  0x1.9d3fce34abe38p-3
> 0x0p+0  0x0p+0  0x1.0053c8p+0  -0x1.1af9bd28dbp-3
> 0x0p+0  0x0p+0  0x0p+0  0x1p+0
> What could be the mistake. The result looks fine, but the matrix doesnt and its not reusable by flirt throwing an exception.
> Do you use some internal math functions taht could be changed?
> I hope somebody can help,
> Ralf