Hi experts,

I have a question about using the output from probtrackx2 when a surface is used as the input mask. I want to calculate the MD and FA values along streamlines coming from a given vertex of the surface. I have FA and MD maps already but I'm unsure of how to ascertain which streamlines originate from which vertices and how I might evaluate FA and MD along those streamlines.

Thanks for any help,

From: Brian Wang
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 5:25:55 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Probtrackx2 Surface Streamlines

Hi experts,

I have a question about using the output from probtrackx2 when a surface is used as the input mask. I want to calculate the MD and FA values along streamlines coming from a given vertex of the surface. I have FA and MD maps already but I'm unsure of how to ascertain which streamlines originate from which vertices and how I might evaluate FA and MD along those streamlines.

Thanks for any help,


From: Brian Wang
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:15:22 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Probtrackx2 Surface Streamlines

Hi experts,

I have a question about using the output from probtrackx2 when a surface is used as the input mask. I want to calculate the MD and FA values along streamlines coming from a given vertex of the surface. I have FA and MD maps already but I'm unsure of how to ascertain which streamlines originate from which vertices and how I might evaluate FA and MD along those streamlines.

Thanks for any help,
