





1)        中山大学社会工作教育与研究中心岗位招聘

1)      岗位及人数:副研究员2名

2)      工作内容:从事社会工作专业化研究,完成团队布置的研究任务;协助处理中山大学社会工作教育与研究中心的日常工作。


2)        应聘条件

1)      遵守宪法和法律,忠诚教育事业,恪守学术规范,遵守学校的规章制度,具有较强的事业心和责任感,严谨治学,团结合作,爱护学生,关心集体,自觉维护学校声誉;

2)      热爱社会工作专业,而且有志于从事社会工作专业的研究;

3)      在海内外知名高校获得博士学位;

4)      具有社会工作实务经验者优先;

5)      熟练的英语运用水平;

6)      年龄在38周岁以下。


3)        薪酬待遇:年薪12万-16万人民币




欲了解更多岗位信息请联系雷杰副教授:[log in to unmask] 


4)        中山大学社会工作教育与研究中心简介



·         使命:






·         目标:






·         中山大学社会工作教育与研究中心重要成员












 Research Associate Professors at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou China


1.        The Center for Social Work Education and Research(CSWER)at Sun Yat-sen University is seeking for two research associate professors in social work. They are expected to mainly work on the topic of ‘professionalisation of social work in China’.


2.        For these two positions, potential applicants have to meet the following requirements:

1)      Be enthusiastic about social work and interested in the research of ‘professionalisaton of social work in China’

2)      With a PhD degree awarded by recognized universities.

3)      Be fluent in the English language.


3.        Salary: 120,000-160,000 RMB per year


For more details, please visit the website of School of Sociology and Anthropology at Sun Yet-sen University:


Or please contact Dr. Jie Lei for more information about the positions: [log in to unmask]


4.        Brief Introduction to CSWER

The Center for Social Work Education and Research (CSWER) at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU)was founded by Professor Law Koon-Chui, who joined the University in 2002. With the approval of the university authority and the financial support from the Lam Woo Memorial Foundation, the CSWER was officially established in January 2004 after one year’s planning. In the course of the past fourteen years, the CSWER has initiated a wide range of pilot projects and research, including social work education and training, social service research and consultancy,  as well as promoting the exchange of social workers at home and abroad. Now, it has become an integrated education and research institution, aiming to promote the localisation of social work and the professional development of social work in China.


·         Mission

In upholding the integration of research and practice in developing social work education, the CSWERC is dedicated to nurturing high quality social work practitioners and researchers, promoting social work profession, and innovating social welfare services and policies for the betterment of society.


·         Objective

To fulfill our mission, the CSWER endeavors to achieve the following objectives:

1)        To create high quality practical and academic training opportunities.

2)        To promote exchanges of knowledge and information for practitioners and students in mainland China.

3)        To facilitate regional and international collaborations among academics and practitioners in mainland China and from overseas.

4)        To conduct consultancy and research related to social work.


·         Key members of CSWER:

Law Koon-Chui

Pro. Law Koon-Chui is the Professor in Social Work as well as the Director of the CSWER. She is one of the most honorable social work researchers, educators and practitioners in South China. In recognition of her achievements, she was appointed the Justice of the Peace in Hong Kong and the member of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Guangdong Province.


Jie Lei

Dr. Jie Lei is the Associate Professor in Social Work as well as the Deputy Director of the CSWER at Sun Yat-sen University. He has published research articles in influential journals in the UK - Critical Social Policy (2014) and Social Policy and Society (2013). He also has recently published two Chinese books in relation to social work development in two Chinese cities - Research on Social Work Development in Jiangmen City (2016), and Research on Integrated Family Service Contracted out by Guangzhou Municipal Government (2015).


For more information about CSWER, please visit our website: