Dear everyone, I am looking for a postdoc with expertise in modelling/computational approaches. Please kindly forward it to anyone interested.

Postdoctoral Scholar in memory neuroscience using computational/modelling approach

A postdoctoral position is available in the Laboratory of Attention and Memory (PI: Sze Chai Kwok) in the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai, China. Research will study the theoretical and neurobiological basis of episodic memory. Focus will be on the development of cognitive and biophysical network models using cross-species data from both human fMRI (with TMS) as well as ECoG, extra-cellular LFP / whole-cell recordings (combined with ire/reversible intervention) in awake monkeys performing analogous memory tasks using naturalistic stimuli such as videos. Candidates are expected to take advantage of the Lab’s unique experimental expertise in both humans and macaques. The Lab has active collaboration with groups in UCL, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, UCLA, and University of Oxford.

Appointment is contingent upon completion of a PhD in computer science, mathematics, physics or other quantitative disciplines. Relevant research experience in modelling would be preferable. Salary is commensurate with experience. This postdoc appointment will run for initially a period of two years with a flexible starting date. Interested candidates should initiate informal inquiries and/or send a CV, a statement of research interests, representative first-author publications (in one single PDF), and references to: [log in to unmask]. Applications are accepted beginning now, and will continue until the position is filled.

Sze Chai Kwok, DPhil
Associate Professor at East China Normal University
Associated faculty at NYU-Shanghai University



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