

Dear SPMers,

I have a brief query regarding the Segment option in SPM12.

For an fMRI study, I would like to segment my high-res antomical scans, which I aim to later use to mask out activity in areas other than gray matter. I decided to use to 'Segment' option in SPM12, thinking that it would normalise AND segment my images (the manual says: "This function segments, bias corrects and spatially normalises - all in the same model"). However, after using this option I end up with nicely segmented images that are NOT normalised to MNI space.

Am I correct in assuming that SPM normalises my anatomical scans in order to perform accurate segmentation, but leaves the resulting output, i.e. the segmented images, in individual space? 

And, if so, should I perform segmentation on normalised anatomical scans in order to obtain gray matter maps that can be used later as mask images?

Many thanks in advance,
