

At 21:52 14/06/2016 +0000, Macfarlane, Alison wrote:
>The FOI report is clearly the source of the news article. It asked numbers 
>of nursing shifts covered by agency staff, then the total spend on agency 
>staff. Perhaps this included other agency staff as well as the nursing staffs?

That's what I suggested earlier, but the responses to those FOI questions 
repeatedly talk about nurses (albeit community as well as hospital nurses), 
so I suspect that my/our suggestion is not the case.

>In any case, the more important question is why the hospital carried on 
>using agency staff to such a great extent and didn't advertise for bank 
>staff sooner.

Indeed, but you could have asked that question, of almost any 
hospital/Trust, at any time during the last 40 or so years.  I remember 
agency staff expenditure being a major issue back in the 70s, and was 
largely responsible for the widespread creation of 'bank' schemes.  They 
didn't really seem to work very well, and one suggestion at that time 
(which may have been true then, and may even still be true, in some guise, 
now!) was that much of the problem was due to the 'pigeon-holing' of 
budgets.  At that time, it seems that 'bank' staff were paid out of the 
'employed staff' pigeon hole (which was often empty!), whereas there was a 
separate pigeon-hole full of money with which to pay (_very_ much more 
expensive in those days) agency staff.

Kind Regards,


Dr John Whittington,       Voice:    +44 (0) 1296 730225
Mediscience Services       Fax:      +44 (0) 1296 738893
Twyford Manor, Twyford,    E-mail:   [log in to unmask]
Buckingham  MK18 4EL, UK

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