

mm, what Doug says…

I specially like the verbs, Bill -

hang on, I misread roll as roil.

Opens as if a response, but to what?

and saying ‘we’ feels - in a poem - verging on the presumptuous.

But you may know poems that persuade me otherwise…


On Jun 1, 2016, at 5:30, Bill Wootton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> We are neither programmed for movement
> nor stillness. We are not programmed at all.
> We do tend to mobility however. Rather
> than be still, we walk, kick, fiddle, nod, tap.
> Our minds move. We grapple, weigh up, tongue-wag,
> gesticulate, eye-rake, sniff, lick, munch, caress.
> At night, we lie but air still moves within us. Cool
> and dry on the intake, warm and moist on exhalation.
> And our inner worlds move on as we roll over,
> stretch, spread and roil in dreamscapes.
> Our conscious selves rarely squat on a second.
> Off we trundle in our mind's eye to years ago
> or to the supermarket later this afternoon
> traipsing down the aisle behind a trolley.
> Be they habitual or new directional, our lives
> chug along in mysterious perpetual motion.
> bw