

Dear Colleagues,

There is still time to register for next week's free UKSG webinar: "Making Connections - Creating Linked Open Library Data"

Thursday 16 June 2016 at 1300 BST (British Summer Time)

For more information and to register, please visit

Neil Wilson, Head, Collection Metadata, The British Library

The British Library was one of the first national libraries to create and offer linked data in 2011 as part of its wider open data strategy. Since that point the organisation has gained considerable experience of the issues involved in the development and maintenance of a sustained linked data service.

We welcome your questions during registration to help shape the webinar's content. So far, there has been a lively response and we have received many interesting questions. E.g. "How can linked data extend the services that we offer to our users?"

UKSG webinars are:
- Recorded and the link to the recording provided to all active registrations (so please do not cancel your registration if you find you are subsequently unable to attend the live event)
- Open to all (you do not need to be a member of UKSG to register)
- Shared among colleagues (feel free to pass on this message) throughout the world

These are available at
(Useful guidelines especially for those new to webinars or joining from an institution.)

We look forward to welcoming you next Tuesday or hearing from you via #UKSGwebinar.

With regards


Maria Campbell
Digital Communications Associate, UKSG
E: [log in to unmask]

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UKSG webinars: and #UKSGwebinar 
'UKSG Events' app: In the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or online at