

*apologies for cross-posting*

In June, our #uklibchat is on resilience in the workplace and managing
stress and anxiety.

As those in the profession know, librarians don’t spend all their time
sitting around reading books, it can be fast-paced field with constant
changes and shifting agenda. There are also currently major upheavals in
the public libraries sector, leading to stressful situations. What can help
us cope better with sources of stress, whether work or family related?

We’re hoping that this chat will give an opportunity for everyone to share
experience and knowledge on how to become more resilient.

Our agenda for the #uklibchat
is up, please add the questions that you would like to ask.

You may also be interested in our feature blog post Building Resilience:
which lists relevant resources and opinions in the field

For more information about #uklibchat and how it works, see our website


The #uklibchat team.