

Dear colleagues

I look forward to seeing you at this event.

The next JIBS event will be held on Friday 8th July from 10am-3.30pm at Brettenham House<>, London.

'Value for Money in Research Support: Perplexing problems, practical solutions.'

The event intends to look at the problems that institutions are facing, how they are tackling them and, hopefully, addressing the problems with practical solutions that will improve research support for researchers and librarians.

Speakers include:

Andrew Simpson : Associate University Librarian, Portsmouth University - 'Making sense for researchers: Finding a practical approach at Portsmouth'
David Prosser : Executive Director: RLUK - 'A Sense of Scale - Finding local, national, and international solutions to the challenges of open access'
Jenny Evans: Research Information Manager, Middlesex University - 'Creative thinking: building research support services and systems from the ground up at Middlesex University'
Liam Earney: Director - JISC Collections - 'Constraining the total cost of ownership? The UK experience with negotiations for subscriptions and hybrid open access'
Ruth Harrison: Head of Scholarly Communications Management, Imperial

Booking Form<>

JIBS members can send one person free to this event.
Additional member places are £50.
Non-member rates are £150.

JIBS annual membership costs £100 p.a. with a 3 year offer of £275 for HE institutions and £50 p.a. for FE institutions. So, signing up for annual membership allows the institution to send one member free of charge to each of the 2 events held per year.

Any queries, please contact Elizabeth McHugh<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (JIBS Chair) and Elaine Mulholland<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (JIBS Vice-Chair)

Feedback from our February 2016 event:

"Excellent and thought provoking"

"Really interesting speakers - learned a lot!"

"Brilliant networking opportunity!"

"Hard to think of anything that wasn't great"

For previous events, please go to our Past Events<> page

 Kind regards


Elizabeth McHugh
Chair: JIBS
Electronic Resources Manager
University of the Highlands and Islands

Tel: 01349 780 217
Mob: 07748146418
Fax: 01349 780 001

Elizabeth McHugh
Electronic Resources Manager
University of the Highlands and Islands

Tel: 01349 780 217
Mob: 07748146418
Fax: 01349 780 001

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