

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the Serpentine Days 2016. The  Serpentine Days is an international workshop supported by the Societé Francaise de Minéralogie (French mineralogical society); it aims primarily at favouring multidisciplinary research on serpentines and serpentinization. The workshop will bring together scientists with an interest in the geological, physical and (bio-)chemical processes of serpentinization and the life it sustains as well as scientists working on its impact for the development of mineral resources and new energy sources and the environmental and societal impact of their exploration and exploitation.

The workshop will take place at the Lazaret centre (Sète, France) from September 26 to 29, 2016.

Registration and abstract submission will open on June 3, 2016. Please note that the time for registration will be relatively short (see dead-lines below).

Registration will be organized as a two step process with payment taking place upon acceptance of application.  The important dates of this two-step process will be :
- Application and abstract submission: Open : June 3, 2016 & Close : July 7, 2016
- Payment (upon acceptance of application): Open : July 8, 2016 & Close : July 31, 2016
Registration will be finalized upon payment of conference fees.

The conference fees (Full : 725 € / Students : 525 €) include abstract fees, food and accommodation for the duration of the workshop (Arrival: Sunday 25 September evening; Departure: Friday 30 September morning; 5 nights).

Young scientist DCO award: The Deep Carbon Observatory offers support to favor the participation of young scientists to the Serpentine Days. The DCO award will cover registration fees for 4 early career scientists (students and postdocs within two years of completing their PhDs). To be eligible, applicants must be pursuing research related to a DCO theme. Recipients will be selected in advance by the Steering Committee. The award will be based on scientific quality of the submitted abstract. To be considered, applications should be submitted on the Serpentine Days website by June27, 2016.

A 2-days optional field trip will be organized in the Pyrenées after the workshop (maximum 42 participants). Participants will be selected on a first-registered, first-served basis if there are more than 42 applicants. The field trip will be led by Y. Lagabrielle (U. Rennes, France) and M. de Saint-Blanquat (U. Paul Sabatier – Toulouse, France). It  will focus on the field evidences of mantle denudation and serpentinization associated to cretaceous rifting event in the North Pyrenean Zone. The participation fees (110€) include transport, food and one night in Massat (a village next to the Lherz peridotite massif).

You will find more information on the workshop on
We invite you to check regularly our webpage for the latest updates on the agenda (to be finalized late June/beginning of July) and the workshop documents.

Best wishes,
José Alberto Padrón-Navarta

For the organizing committee :
Marguerite Godard (Géosciences Montpellier), Bénedicte Ménez (IPGP), José Alberto Padrón-Navarta (Géosciences Montpellier), Bruno Reynard (LST Lyon)

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