Dear listers,

We are using the HCP pipeline to process some locally collected data. We would like to look at group differences in the myelin map. Using the workbench tools we created average midthickness and vertex area surface maps. We are trying to run a simple t-test and are getting an error with PALM.

This is our input command:

palm -i TenSubjects.L.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dtseries.gii -s TenSubjects.L.average.midthickness.vertexareas.32k_fs_LR.func.gii -d TenSubjects_2SampleTtest.fsf -t TenSubjects_2SampleTtest.con -n 5000 -T -tfce2D -o TenSubjects_FASvsCON_L_Cortical -corrcon -ise

This is the output that is generated:

Running PALM alpha95 using MATLAB with the following options:
-i TenSubjects.L.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dtseries.gii
-s TenSubjects.L.average.midthickness.vertexareas.32k_fs_LR.func.gii
-d TenSubjects_2SampleTtest.fsf
-t TenSubjects_2SampleTtest.con
-n 5000
-o TenSubjects_FASvsCON_L_Cortical
Loading surface 1/1:
Reading input 1/1: TenSubjects.L.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dtseries.gii
Reading design matrix and contrasts.
Error using error
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.

Error in palm_miscread (line 288)
        error('File extension %s not known. Data cannot be loaded\n',fext);

Error in palm_takeargs (line 1983)
        Mtmp = palm_miscread(opts.d{m});

Error in palm_core (line 33)
[opts,plm] = palm_takeargs(varargin{:});

Error in palm (line 81)

We are not sure if this is due to an error with our input command or if it's within PALM. Any help would be appreciated.
