

Dear FSL experts,

I was working on to automatically register the CT (with electrodes) and MRI
images. Here MRI image is the reference image and CT is the one to
register. Also, I used the cost function: Normalized Mutual Information
which is for the intermodel case. The number of histogram bin used is 200
and the Model/dof =Rigid Body (6 parameter model).

Following are the informations for image's FOV and resolution:

 CT: Rows->512 Column-> 512, pixel spacing= 0.48828 X0.48828;
for MRI: Rows->256 Column-> 256, pixel spacing= 0.9375 X0.9375;
I used the:
 flirt -in <mob file> -ref <reference file (in my case it is MRI>  -out
<outpur>, used -cost normni -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90
90 -dof 6  -interp nearestneighbour

The result I am getting is not good. The resulted image is rotated and not
showing all the benchmark of the images. Just to clarify: the CT image have
electrodes in it. The MRI doesn't have. It is for the same subject.

My apology if I miss something here as I am new to the FSL.
Any help in dealing with such images will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Hari Guragain