

Hi Juan,

Go with the 1st one -- i.e., no repeated data in two models, but rather a
single model for all data used only once.

All the best,


On 27 June 2016 at 12:10, Juan Pablo Martin Trias <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear all!
> I'm modeling an event-related memory recognition task.
> In this fMRI model we have 3 kind of trials:
> -NEW PICTURES-->50% of all inputs.
> -PICTURES corresponding to the Vertex Condition --> 25% (pictures that
> during the encoding were presented with Vertex repetitive Transcranial
> Magnetic Stimulation).
> -PICTURES corresponding to the DLPFC Condition --> 25% (pictures that
> during the encoding were presented with Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
> repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation).
> For all of these events we have correct answers (hits and correct
> rejections) and wrong answers (misses and false alarms). And, of course the
> onset of all the events.
> We have then 12 subjects with fMRI onsets for Hits in two categories
> (Vertex and DLPFC).
> My question is: Which one of the next models is better fitted to the data?
> 1) 12 inputs and 4 explanatory variables : Hits Vertex, Hits DLPFC, Misses
> Vertex, Misses DLPFC. This model let me do contrasts with  hits vs misses
> activations or interacions.
> 2) 2 separate models of 24 inputs with Hits or Misses. The first 12 inputs
> are related with Vertex condition and the next 12 for the same 12 subjects
> in the DLPFC condition, like in a repeated measures model. In this model i
> can add an EV for each 12 subjects to control for each subject activation.
> I can't contrast in the same model Hits and Misses.
> I'd really appreciate your help!!!
> Many thanks