

Hello all

Prof Simon Borg is visiting the University of Leeds this week and is giving a seminar on Weds afternoon – details below – this is a free event and open to all: just turn up.

All the best





Dear all,

We’d like to invite you to the next Centre for Language Education Research (CLER) seminar which will take place on Wednesday 8 June, 16:00-17:30, Hillary Place, Coach House. Professor Simon Borg,  will be talking about Reforming State Education English Language Teaching: An Analysis of Recent Teacher Development Projects (abstract below). 

In this talk, I will discuss some of the ELT teacher development projects I have worked on recently. These projects provide insight into the kinds of issues that Ministries of Education in different countries are focusing on as they seek to raise levels of teaching and learning English. My analysis will also highlight the models of teacher development that Ministries (or the agencies responsible for project delivery) are adopting in order to support ELT reform. Overall, the projects I discuss provide evidence of both innovative practices as well as of interventions which are less likely to achieve sustained change.   

Seminars are free and open to all, and we look forward to welcoming you



Kind regards,





Dr Mohammad Javad Ahmadian    

Lecturer in TESOL

School of Education 

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 113 34 39707

Alternative email: [log in to unmask]    

Personal webpage:

Google scholar page: page: 


Forthcoming book (2017): Recent Perspectives on Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching Mohammad Javad Ahmadian, María del Pilar García Mayo (Eds.). De Gruyter Mouton









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