




Minority Mental Health 2016 - “Ending Discrimination in Mental Health: Turning the Crisis Tap Off” in London on Thursday 13th October 2016 will address how to change from reactive responses to a proper, planned service.

Different ethnic groups have different rates and experiences of mental health problems, reflecting their different cultural and socio-economic contexts and access to culturally appropriate treatments.

In general, people from black and minority ethnic groups living in the UK are: 

These differences may be explained by a number of factors, including poverty and racism. They may also be because mainstream mental health services often fail to understand or provide services that are acceptable and accessible to non-white British communities and meet their particular cultural and other needs.

Current Speakers Include:

Dr Geraldine Strathdee

National Clinical Lead, Mental Health Intelligence Networks PHE/NHSE

Jacqui Dyer

Vice Chair, Mental Health Taskforce

Commander Christine Jones QPM

National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead for Mental Health and Metropolitan Police Service Lead for Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP)


Register your interest here and be kept up to date about future developments from this national broadcast conference on mental health services.


Put the date of Thursday 13th October 2016 in London in your diary, (it’s Black History Week in the UK). The expert presentations are being filmed and put into a training and briefing library for professional use around the country.  


The conference website is at  and there you will find the agenda as it is updated as well as information about the speakers and venue. 

Kind Regards

Minority Mental Health Team 

___________________________________ The list is jointly managed by David Fryer [log in to unmask] and Grant Jeffrey [log in to unmask], either of whom are able to deal with queries. To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website: