Hi Andrew, 

Would the Windows version have a bin folder? I don't think I can find one.

Hi Logan and Gabriel,

Thanks very much for the NV script(s), I now have a cube successfully imported into CCPN.

But now I notice that the conversion to NV format has done something to my 15N dimension.

Back in nmrPipe, the 1H-13C planes are all visible and all make sense with respect to the HSQC (ie. the 15N chemical shifts match). I can cycle through all 64 planes and see the peaks appearing at slice=108 ppm, and then going by slice=130 ppm.

But in the spectra I have now in CCPN, there are 1H-13C peaks visible throughout the 15N dimension, from start to finish (slices=105 to 135 ppm approximately), without any "empty" space at the extremities. It's as if the conversion has "stretched" the 15N dimension, if that's the right word.

If I didn't process the spectra correctly, how did I get nice 1H-13C planes in nmrPipe (and a good H-13C .dat projection)?



From: Sunil Prasannan <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2016, 14:29
Subject: NMRPipe to CCPN - 3D Trip Res?

Hi all,

Just processed three Bruker Triple Resonance spectra (HNCA, HNOCA, HNCO) in NMRPipe. They look good and ready to roll. But what do I need to do to successfully view them in CCPN? Many years ago I do remember doing precisely this, but it's been a while! I think I used a pre-existing script to convert the ".ft3" files into a "cube" in Azara (.par) format, but I can't remember what was in the script.

Caveat is that I am using the Windows version of CCPN, and only have limited access to a colleague's Linux box (where I did the NMRPipe processing), and he's away this week, so I can't be an administrator to download Azara, if I need to do so.

Or is there an alternative way to obtain a "cube" of .ft3 planes?

kind regards,

Sunil Prasannan, PhD
Research Fellow
Warwick Medical School