

Dear Jeorge,

the refmac logfile should tell you which cif-file it reads in for restraints. 
Can you compare the atom names in that cif-file with the atom names in your 
PDB-file? My first guess is that the respective atom is named differently, or 
that maybe the bond is not specified at all.

On Thursday, June 09, 2016 06:30:37 PM jeorgemarley thomas wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have been encountered a problem when the ligand in the active site is
> fitted (it is a modified form of glutamate). After refinement with refmac
> the one of the oxygen atom bonded with carbon is always getting lost and no
> coordinate is being available afterwards for this bond only, although cif
> file of the ligand is used during the refinement. I have used sketcher
> (ccp4) to get the cif file of the ligand. please suggest what can be done.
> I tried phenix also to generate the cif from elbow but did not work.
> Thanks in advance
> Jeorge
Paul Scherrer Institut
Dr. Tim Gruene
- persoenlich -
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
phone: +41 (0)56 310 5297