

As far as I know the calligraphy of David Jones is almost a sole exception to Jaime's observations though one would that the texts were no not so devoutly neo-conservative and Spenglerian. The Midnight Mass in the Late-World. I think it would have been wonderful if Jones had transcribed a kind of soldiers graffiti as his writings almost do.
Maybe some of Hamilton Finlay's stuff too? I don't know.
Possibly The Humument ???
I would wonder though, in the light of Pierre's observations, whether the Chinese perfections are other than museum traditions?

On 24 June 2016 at 18:15, Jaime Robles <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Combining these three practices – painting, calligraphy and poetry – are known as “The Three Perfections” in Chinese culture, and are considered the ultimate in art. In other words there is a tradition of combining those three art forms. Unlike in the UK and West in general, where these forms are specializations, learned and performed separately. In the West artists seem to come to other art forms out of curiosity, but not necessarily with any complex understanding or skill. Certainly the case with Grenier, despite the cloaking of his calligraphic practice in a magnificent cape of language.

And then there is the ideogrammatic writing which appears like some crossover form between language and visual art. 

Sorry about the referendum. I’m a bit shocked myself. The fact that Trump supports the Brexit decision ought to be a clear giveaway. The looming November elections in the US suddenly became even more terrifying.

Best wishes, 


QS: Let’s return to poetics.
JR: When did we leave?

—From the conversation between Quinta Slef and Joan Retallack, The Poethical Wager

On Jun 24, 2016, at 9:35 AM, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Couldn't agree more. I just feel dismay at the moment. I self-identify as a European, I'm having trouble identifying with a national government run by Leavers.

The vote has gone against the cicada in favour, I guess, of a beleaguered hedge-cricket.  A considerate ‘mensaje de tranquilidad a todos los residentes españoles en el Reino Unido’ has been sent by the Spanish Ambassador in London which ends ‘Business as usual’ though I worry for them and the over three million other EU residents here, and for the essential services they are providing, what the eventual effects of yesterday’s vote will be. (Also wonder whether the million or so British residents in the EU received such a prompt and solicitous message from their ambassadors, and rather assume not.) At about 4.30 this morning Farage was crowing about this ‘victory for real people...for decent people’. By inference the other 48.1% of Britain’s population are consigned to irreality and indecency. Never have those attributes sounded more appealing.

David Joseph Bircumshaw

The Animal Subsides