

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship funded by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network project "Privacy & Usability" (Privacy.Us), to start on 1 August 2016, working on collaborative and highly-interdisciplinary projects on privacy technologies, usability, and healthcare.

This studentship will investigate how to better understand and support individuals’ decision-making around healthcare data disclosure, weighing up personal and societal costs and benefits of disclosure. The focus will be on qualitative research methods to better understand people’s requirements and how to support them through design.

Since this programme emphasises mobility, applicants should have NOT resided in the UK for more than 12 months between Aug 2013 and Aug 2016. Also, they must have obtained the degree entitling them to enroll for a PhD program AFTER Aug 2012.

Closing date: 30th June 2016

See for further details and to apply.
Informal enquiries can me made to Ann Blandford ([log in to unmask])