Dear all,

Think the only creative thing to come out of Tottenham is Adele and a handful of grime artists?
Think again.
Euroart's 70 studios buzz with an eclectic and exciting range of work from fine art to film; fashion to photography; puppetry to SFX.
 "Here Comes the Flood" - a special exhibition and guided tours curated by Dr Daniel Barnes.
Fascinating works by 5 graduates of the prestigious CSM MA Art & Science course.
"Art Raffle" to win a £250 voucher to buy art.
Euroart's 14th Annual Open Studios 3 - 5 June 2016.
Full details.
Euroart Studios - Units 4, 5, & 6 - Gaunson House - Markfield Road - Tottenham - London - N15 4QQ.