
I've replaced the experiments nagios links in the usual page with the new ETF ones pointing to the selection of UK sites. The dashboard links remain the same (changes have been applied behind the scenes at CERN). For ATLAS you may want to pay attention because the storage tests have become less forgiving.



On 20/04/2016 16:30, Jeremy Coles wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> Dear All,

I forward this because not all of you will be receiving it directly but may be interested.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Marian Babik <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 20 April 2016 at 15:06:31 BST
To: "wlcg-ops-broadcast (WLCG Operations Broadcasts)" <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "wlcg-ops-coord-chairpeople (The WLCG Operations Coordination chairpeople)" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: WLCG Experiments Test Framework (ETF)

Dear All,
as was previously announced, WLCG Experiments Test Framework (ETF), which replaces the existing SAM/Nagios infrastructure will enter production on 25th of April. ETF is a framework to perform functional testing of sites and services and it’s the main source of the metrics for the the WLCG monthly availability and reliability reports. It’s a re-designed and simplified version of the previous framework, which is backward compatible and will run the exact same plugins/metrics as the previous one. A summary of the changes that ETF introduces were presented at the WLCG operations coordination on 18th of February and can be found at https://indico.cern.ch/event/466818/.

The service change will be transparent in the SAM3 dashboards and APIs, which means that starting from 25th of April the source of the measurements for the existing profiles will be switched from the current SAM/Nagios instances to the ETF. More details on the framework, deployment and plugins can be found in the ETF documentation at http://etf.cern.ch/docs.

For any requests or comments, please open a GGUS ticket to the WLCG Grid Monitoring support unit.

Best regards,
Marian Babik

Respect is a rational process. \\//
Fatti non foste a viver come bruti (Dante)