

Booking for Kingston University's 2016 Summer School on 'Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research' is now open. We'd be really grateful if you could forward details about the Summer School and the programme to colleagues and peers who might be interested.

Summer School on
Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research
School of Psychology, Criminology and Sociology
Kingston University London
4-8 July 2016<>

The School of Psychology, Sociology and Criminology invites you to a Summer School which offers an opportunity to enrich your skills and tackle the principles of qualitative research in a practical, hands-on way.
Day-long workshops will bring together academics and professionals covering the whole span of the research process from design through to writing up. Workshop content will include (please see attached full programme):

  *   approaches to qualitative data generation (such as interviewing, using visual data, and participative film-making)
  *   approaches to qualitative analysis (such as Thematic Analysis, IPA and Grounded Theory Approaches, Narrative Analysis and Discourse Analysis)
  *   research with particular groups (such as children and vulnerable groups)
  *   research in applied settings (evaluation studies)
  *   research that uses developing technological possibilities (doing qualitative research online and using NVivo software).
Keynote speakers will provide insights into the past, present and future of qualitative research and advice on getting published.
You can also get expert and peer advice on your current and future research through our daily Consultation Clinics, and have plenty of opportunities to share experiences and network with like-minded peers.
The Summer School is suitable for novice and experienced researchers, postgraduate students in psychology, social sciences, health and other related disciplines and professional practitioners.
For full details and prices, please visit<>
If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Adrian Coyle at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
We hope to see you there.

Helen Robinson
Faculty Support Officer on behalf of the School of Psychology, Criminology and Sociology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kingston University London
Penrhyn Road I Kingston upon Thames I Surrey I KT1 2EE
020 8417 6640 (Internal 66640)
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>

The second edition of 'Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology' has just been published by SAGE. This is a thorough update and extension of the previous edition, with new chapters on thematic analysis, narrative analysis and ethical dimensions of qualitative research and new features that make the text accessible to students in psychology and other social sciences at all levels. Order an inspection copy here and consider recommending the book to your library.