­Apologies for cross-posting


Reminder: Registration closes 3 June

Click here to book your place.


Following the success of the EDS conference in previous years, we’re delighted to announce that the 2016 meet will take place on 6-7th July at Regent’s University London. The conference is free and is open to everyone interested in library discovery services.  


Our theme for 2016 will be the impact discovery solutions have had on all aspects of the Library and what does the future hold?  How has discovery affected information literacy, open access, user engagement or resource usage? Is it what our users want or have students moved beyond discovery technology? What’s next and how can EDS adapt?


We’ll be tweeting as @EDS_conf and blogging at https://edsconference.wordpress.com/.

We hope this event will offer opportunities to share our experiences and insights, and help to build a dynamic and supportive EDS user community.


Sent on behalf of the EDS Conference steering committee:


Katherine Rose (Regent’s University London)

Geraldine O’Beirn (Queen’s University Belfast)

Adele Robinson (University of Bedfordshire)

Sarah Roughley (University of Liverpool)

Emma Coonan (University of East Anglia)

Dr. Emma Coonan, FHEA
Information Skills Librarian
Library, University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich NR4 7TJ

“ … apart from inquiry … individuals cannot be truly human. Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” (Paulo Freire)