

In association with CILIP West Midlands, the UXLibs bus will next park up at Aston University Library on 7th July. This day of User Experience research methods will persuade you to go beyond library surveys and focus groups to discover a whole new world of techniques that reveal a more detailed and valuable picture of user behaviour as well as need. 

Practical, interactive and fun, this course has been touring the UK and beyond and as a result will be better than ever by the time it reaches Birmingham. 

Feedback from past attendees: 
'A great day - inspiring, thought-provoking, fun'
'Excited to try out all these new methods - thank you!'
'Didn't think I would enjoy this, but I was proved very wrong'
'Thought UX was just about websites, now I know it's about spaces and services too'

For more information and to book your place:


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