

The CICP of the Open University warmly invite you to participate in their CICP seminar on Access at The Open University in the North West (Manchester Office) on Thursday 14th July 2016 (11.00am-3.00pm). For those who have previously expressed an interest in attending, please note the change in date for this event.

The seminar will be of interest to those undertaking research, scholarship and evaluation around this theme. Presentations will include:

  *   Louise Higham, ARC Network team (tbc)
  *   Julia Bilaney (HE Registrar, Hull College):  The 'student as producer' - A partnership approach to access.
  *   Catherine Marks (Widening Participation Co-ordinator, Manchester Metropolitan University): How evaluation has informed the development and implementation of the pre-16 outreach offer to schools from Manchester Metropolitan University.
  *   Andrew Rawson (Principal, Action on Access): Better access to higher education for care leavers.

This seminar is part of our series of seminars focussing on issues relating to widening participation in higher education (more details at: The seminar series focuses on topics of interest to both practitioners and academics within the Widening Participation community and we encourage discussion and sharing of practice at all our events.

The seminar is open to all, so please circulate this invite to others who may be interested. There is no charge for attendance.  Please feel free to bring along your lunch.

To reserve your place, please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and provide your name and the name of your institution or department.  Full details of the programme and joining instructions will be sent to those reserving a place.

Venue Address

Open University in the North West
351 Altrincham Road
M22 4UN

We look forward to hearing from you.

The CICP team.
Read what we are thinking at the Access Observatory Blog<>
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Why not submit an article to our Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Journal


Useful sites:
Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships Intranet<>
Widening Access and Success project sharepoint site<>
Widening Access and Success Internet<>
               Widening Access and Success Strategy<>
               Journal for Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning<>
               Access Curriculum<>

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