

Apologies for cross-posting

Hi all
Learning Technology and Innovation (LTI) at the LSE has been working on a project to interview over 100 students to gain their insights into the role and important of technology in their life, their education and their future career.  Calling the project, LSE 2020, we have begun the process of interpreting over 300 minutes of interview footage.  Our first step was to produce a few teaser trailers from the data set that illustrate the kind of insight we are getting.  Over the next month or so we will be producing a comprehensive report and a series of videos that seek to present the picture of how modern students view technology, how they perceive and understand the role of their own devices and how important the cloud is to the processes of teaching and learning in 2020.  

You can view the two teaser videos here and here and read a short blog post about the project here.  We should have the final report posted to the blog in the next month or so, so stayed tuned


Peter Bryant
Head of Learning Technology and Innovation

London School of Economics and Political Science

ALD LG - Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE
Phone: +44 (0)20 7955 6008

Twitter: @peterbryantHE

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