

Hi Isaac,

FEAT is for task-based FMRI. For resting state, consider other tools, e.g., Melodic.

All the best,


On 30 May 2016 at 11:47, SUBSCRIBE FSL Isaac <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear FSL community,
I have 35 resting-state fMRI scans that I would like to process in FEAT.

When I set up the GLM design in FEAT I set the rest period to (TR) x (no. of volumes) and the active period to 0.

However when a report is produced, the post stats page has a max z-score of 0 at voxel 0,0,0. This output is the same for every subject.

Finally, I get the same result regardless of whether I use the model wizard or if I set up the GLM manually (using a square design) both with the off period at (TR) x (no. of volumes) and the active period to 0.

My question is whether this is the correct model setup?

Any advice would be greatly appriciated.
