

Hi Jasmin,

Yes, your censoring will be the cause of the error - the data for each subject must have the same number of time points. 

You will either need to remove offending timepoints from all subjects, or deal with motion in a different way (standard motion correction [MCFLIRT], ICA classification [FIX/ICA-AROMA], or outlier regression [fsl_motion_outliers]).



On 11 May 2016 at 15:45, Jasmin Czarapata <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi, I am trying to run FSlNets and I keep getting this error message.

>> my_nets
Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
Error using load
Unknown text on line number 1 of ASCII file

Some of the TR's were censored  because of motion during the preprocessing stage. Is this what it is referring to? there is no way around removing some volumes with movement.

How do I go about fixing this?

Thanks, Jasmin