

Hi Jasmin,

Yes, your censoring will be the cause of the error - the data for each
subject must have the same number of time points.

You will either need to remove offending timepoints from all subjects, or
deal with motion in a different way (standard motion correction [MCFLIRT],
ICA classification [FIX/ICA-AROMA], or outlier regression



On 11 May 2016 at 15:45, Jasmin Czarapata <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi, I am trying to run FSlNets and I keep getting this error message.
> >> my_nets
> Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
> Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
> Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
> Error: not all subjects have the same number of timepoints!
> Error using load
> Unknown text on line number 1 of ASCII file
> /helix/data/kidRest/Ctrls_WS/OBSCURE/groupmelodic.ica.18WS18TD.IC20.WS_TD_n18matched/output.DR.WS_TD_n18matched/info.ic_num.txt
> "ic0000"
> Some of the TR's were censored  because of motion during the preprocessing
> stage. Is this what it is referring to? there is no way around removing
> some volumes with movement.
> How do I go about fixing this?
> Thanks, Jasmin