Call for Papers:  The 3rd ICT-DM - International Conference on Information and Communication

Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM’2016)


December 13 - December 15, 2016 - Vienna, AUSTRIA



The 3rd  ICT-DM will take place in Vienna on December 13 – 15 , 2016. The Call for Papers and submission details are available under

The Call for Papers can be downloaded under: Call for Papers ICT-DM 2016




Submission deadline:                  June 01, 2016
Acceptance Notification:            August 31, 2016
Camera-ready version:                September 15, 2016



ICT-DM’2016 aims to bring together academics and practitioners who are involved in emergency services, ad hoc planning, disaster recovery, etc., to learn about the latest research developments, share experiences and information about this area and develop recommendations. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original unpublished research on using ICTs for detection, prevention, preparation, response and recovery of disasters. There will also be invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as special sessions dedicated to case studies, demonstrations and experiences based on pragmatic approaches. This way, the conference will provide a forum for supporting and encouraging both academic researchers, as well as practitioners involved in applied‐focused research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scope:

·     Big data analytics in disaster management

·     Communication infrastructures, technologies and services for crisis management

·     Coordination, collaboration and decision support technologies for disaster management

·     Data/information management and analysis for disaster management

·     Evacuation and rescue geo-planning

·     Geo-Information technologies for disaster management

·     Internet of things for disaster and emergency management

·     M2M communications management and operations

·     Mobile and wireless communication networks

·     Prediction and early warning systems

·     Querying and filtering on heterogeneous, multi-source streaming disaster data

·     Smart cities for disaster and emergency management

·     Social media and networks

·     Other related topics in the domain of ICT-DM



Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Paper length should not exceed eight-pages (10-point font).
Papers should follow the IEEE formatting rules. See ICT-DM 2016 conference website for more details:


If you have any questions concerning the organization, please contact: [log in to unmask]


With best regards,

The Publicity Co-Chairs


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