

Great work Oli. It looks like a lot of useful features I use too.
But I tried to install it and no "custom" button appears in coot. Any advise on how to install?
I am using coot 0.8.3 on RHEL6.8.

Kenneth A. Satyshur, M.S., Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, 53706

From: Mailing list for users of COOT Crystallographic Software <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Oliver Clarke <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 8:44:51 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Key binding to toggle modelling toolbar

Dear Jan, the script I use is here:

Feel free to modify and redistribute as you like.

This script has a lot of custom key bindings defined, and also a "Custom" menu with a bunch of shortcuts for common tasks.

I did actually attempt at one point to start something like what you suggest (, but it never really took off so I stopped updating it (although the link to the script remains current).


On Mon, 16 May 2016 09:14:06 +0200, Jan Stransky <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Oli., you did a lot of interesting work for coot recently. Are your
>script available somewhere on the web?
>May be, it would be nice to have some centralized repository of ALL
>(user-created) coot scripts.
>On 05/14/2016 01:29 AM, Oliver Clarke wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I use Coot mostly on a laptop, where screen real estate is a precious commodity, so I wrote this key binding to hide/show the modelling toolbar on the side, thought maybe someone else might find it useful too.
>> It assumes that the modelling toolbar is shown at the start of the session.
>> Cheers,
>> Oli
>> #Toggle display of modelling toolbar (assumes it is shown by default)
>> toolbar_toggle_var=1
>> def toggle_toolbar_display():
>>    global toolbar_toggle_var
>>    if toolbar_toggle_var==0:
>>      hide_modelling_toolbar()
>>      toolbar_toggle_var=1
>>    elif toolbar_toggle_var==1:
>>      show_modelling_toolbar()
>>      toolbar_toggle_var=0
>> add_key_binding("Toggle toolbar display","H",
>> lambda: toggle_toolbar_display())
>Jan Stransky, PhD student
>Institute of Biotechnology, CAS
>Laboratory of structure and function of biomolecules
>Prumyslova 595
>Czech Republic