

Dear CCP4 users,

I think it is good place to ask for help. Last time I've tried 
crystallize a one interesting DNA oligo molecule with 52 bases. I've 
expected self-association of the molecule with hairpin duplex structure 
and a loop in the middle of this construct. After three years of fails 
and salts crystals, I recorded data up to 1.14 A, Rmerge 8.4%, SG C2, 
unit cell 49.42 24.69 50.23 90.00 118.48 90.00. Judging from Matthews 
coeff. it looks like the content is smaller than expected. I've tried 
use several models for MR - single and duplex structures of DNA with 
different length, as well as some fragments of single stranded 
structures e.g. aptamers of dnazymes. And still no solution. Is it 
possible to solve this structure by another method using only this 
native dataset?

Best regards


|Rafal Dolot, Ph.D.                            |
|                                              |
|Polish Academy of Sciences                    |
|Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies|
|Department of Bioorganic Chemistry            |
|Macromolecular Crystallography Team           |
|Sienkiewicza 112                              |
|90-363 Lodz, Poland                           |
|Phone: +48(42)6803215                         |
|Cell:  +48 502897781                          |