Audio Mostly 2016 “Multisensory Interaction Design” – Extended paper submission deadline

The deadline for paper submissions has been extended to May 20, 2016

 The Audio Mostly organising committee would like to welcome researchers, interaction designers, engineers, composers or anyone interested in sound as a medium of interaction, to the Audio Mostly 10-year anniversary conference (2006 – 2016).

Audio Mostly is an interdisciplinary conference on design and experience of interaction with sound that prides itself on embracing applied theory and reflective practice. Its annual gatherings bring together thinkers and doers from academia and industry that share an interest in sonic interaction and the use of audio for interface design. This remit covers product design, auditory display, computer games and virtual environments, new musical instruments, and education and workplace tools. It further includes fields such as the psychology of sound and music, cultural studies, system engineering, and everything in between in which sonic interaction plays a role. The conferences are a lively and sociable mix of presentations, posters, and workshops and all papers are peer reviewed.


Conference Theme “Multisensory Interaction Design”

This year the conference will highlight the potential of sound in multisensory interactive applications. Sound can have great impact on how we understand and experience information, interaction and the world around us. Still, sound is typically not well understood, carelessly implemented and considered late in the design process of new products and services. The conference theme encourages contributions on how sound can be utilized to carry information, induce emotions and create new types of experiences in multisensory (visual, touch, smell, etc.) applications. Nevertheless, important challenges exist in developing design and evaluation methods forinteractive multisensory ideas and solutions that rely on sound as a medium of communication.


Topics of Interest

The Audio Mostly conference series is interested in sound interaction design in general and provides a space for alternative creative approaches. Hence, prospective contributions are not limited to specific methodological approaches and papers dealing with the theme from either a philosophical or an empirical viewpoint are welcome. Contributions may address a number of sound- and music-based topics related to the theme that include, but are not limited to:


·      Sound in multisensory interactive applications

·      Future user interfaces (games, vehicles, sports, social media, etc.).

·      User Experience design

·      Sonification and visualization of data

·      Virtual and augmented reality

·      Method and tools for sound and music production

·      Design and evaluation methods

·      Cognition of sound and music

·      Technological solutions and innovations

 Venue: The Audio Mostly 10-year anniversary will be hosted by the Interactive Institute Swedish ICT and will be held at the Visualization Center C in Norrköping, SwedenVisualization Center C is a research and science center conducting a mix of leading visualization research and public outreach activities. The center hosts a large-scale arena for public visits and events including media labs, interactive exhibitions and an immersive 3D fulldome theatre. The center constitutes an inspirational arena for discussions on the conference theme and new exciting ideas and applications.

 Important Dates 

Deadline for paper submission ­ May 6  May 20

Notification of acceptance ­ June 23  July 7

Camera-ready paper submission ­ July 29  August 12

Early registration deadline ­ August 19 2016 

Conference ­ October 4-6 2016


Paper submission 

The conference welcomes academic full papers and poster papers. These should be submitted using the Easy Chair System by the deadline above. Both submission formats will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.

 * Full paper format: up to 6-8 pages, anonymised, in ACM Proceedings Format 

 * Poster paper format: the poster format is intended to provide a venue for

researchers and practitioners to discuss their work-in-progress. Submit a 2-6 page anonymised extended abstract or short paper prepared using ACM CHI Extended Abstracts format (Microsoft Word Template).

 The Audio Mostly 2016 conference will be held in co-operation with ACM (accepted full- and poster articles are published in the ACM Digital Library). Authors of accepted articles will be required to fill out and send in a copyright form for approval by ACM. Accepted authors will be sent the ACM copyright form and complete instructions.



Conference registration will be available on the Audio Mostly website by July 1 2016For more information or questions, please contact the organizing committee at [log in to unmask]

Please join the Audio Mostly Facebook page