

The new ebook from Argotist Ebooks is ‘Unseen Avenue’ by Rosemary Starace


In her wildly inventive ‘Unseen Avenue’, Rosemary Starace has achieved that which might seem nearly impossible—making the experience of reading a digital text seem tactile and intimate. Exploring the creative process through a re-imagining of Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artist’s Way, Starace has threaded a lantern on a rope down into the places that only this peculiar combination of mediums can reach. You feel as if you’re standing in front of a canvas, or alone in a room with a book made of real paper you can feel in your hands: grooves, edges and all. With humor, intelligence and evident pleasure, she has made a work that cannily requires intense engagement and allows moments of cool remove in turn. I will read this beautiful book over and over again. (Carolyn Guinzio, author of ‘Spine’)

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